On 11/20/2014 1:55 PM, deadalnix wrote:
All of this is beautiful until you try to implement a quicksort
in, haskell.

It is not that functional programming is bad (I actually like it
a lot) but there are problem where it is simply the wrong tool.
Once you acknowledge that, you have 2 road forward :
   - You create bizarre features to implement quicksort in a
functional way. Tge concept become more complex, but some expert
guru will secure their job.
   - Keep your functional feature as they are, but allow for other
styles, which cope better with quicksort.

The situation 2 is the practical one. There is no point in
creating an ackward hammer that can also screw things if I can
have a hammer and a screwdriver.

Obviously, this has a major drawback in the fact you cannot say
to everybody that your favorite style is the one true thing that
everybody must use. That is a real bummer for religious zealot,
but actual engineers understand that this is a feature, not a bug.


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