On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 08:33:16AM +0000, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> As with any of these situation the convoluted hardcoded for a specific
> processor code, especially assembly language will always win. I don't
> care about that, I care about the fastest comprehensible code that is
> portable simply by compilation or execution. Based on this, Java does
> well, so does some Groovy perhaps surprisingly, also Scala.  C++ does
> well especially with TBB (though as an API it leaves a lot to be
> desired). D is OK but only using ldc2 or gdc, dmd sucks.

Yeah, I find in my own experience that gdc -O3 tends to produce code
that's consistently ~20% faster than dmd -O, especially in
compute-intensive code. The downside is that gdc usually lags behind dmd
by one release, which, given the current rate of development in D, can
be quite a big difference in feature set available.


INTEL = Only half of "intelligence".

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