
If you have a function template of one type parameter, T, that takes a class 
template of the same type parameter, T, as an argument, then typical template 
usage scenario goes like this: 

        /* Class template definition */
        class Foo(T) {

        /* Function template definition */
        void bar(T)( Foo!(T) arg) {
                // ...

        /* Instantiation usage */
                auto foo = new Foo!(float)();   /* line A */
                bar!(float)( foo);                      /* line B */

Now since in the main function the compiler knows that T is float at line A, it 
occurs to me that code noise could be reduced a bit if the compiler could 
somehow deduce at line B that the function template parameter, T, is float 
without it having to be explicitly written.

The instantiation usage would now look like this:

/* Less-noisy instantiation usage */
        auto foo = new Foo!(float)();   /* line A */
        bar( foo);                                      /* line B */

The only problem is how then to write the function template definition so that 
T can be defaulted to the class parameter, T, that accompanies Foo.

One idea I had, which of course doesn't work, is to define the function 
template's argument with the auto keyword and then somehow figure out T from 
the argument like so:
        /* Function template definition */
        void bar(T = typeof( arg))( auto arg) {
                // ...

Since I'm getting used to finding cool features in D that always lets you do 
stuff you never dreamed of,
and since I have a lot of template instantiation code,
it would be really neat to be able to reduce the noise a bit as outlined above.

Any ideas anybody? (Note D1.0)
Perhaps this is a no brainer and I just goofed up but have given up after a 
spending way too much time on it thus far.

Thanks all.

Justin Johansson

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