On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Justin Johansson
<proc...@adam-dott-com.au> wrote:
> Wow Jarret!!!  So many words on my part to explain what I wanted and you came 
> up with this just so, so coolly concise solution.  It doesn't exactly look 
> like a textbook solution so me thinks I can forgive myself for not figuring 
> it out. (hey only 3 weeks into D now).
> I don't know if it would be pushing my luck or not, but is your concept 
> generalizable to more parameters.  In particular I want to be able to extend 
> this so than bar() can return a generic type.
> So now I have this:
> class Foo(T)
> {}
> T2 bar(T : Foo!(U), U)(T t)
> {
>  T2 x = ...
>  return x;
> }
> void main()
> {
>        auto foo = new Foo!(float)();
>        auto chu = bar!(double, float)( foo);
>       // type of chu is double
> }
> and by analogy with the first problem I would like to instantiate like so:
> void main()
> {
>        auto foo = new Foo!(float)();
>        auto chu = bar!(double)( foo);    // be nice if float could be deduced 
> from foo parameter
>       // type of chu is double
> }

class Foo(T)

R bar(R, T : Foo!(U), U)(T t)
        R r;
        return r;

void main()
        auto foo = new Foo!(float)();
        auto chu = bar!(double)(foo);
        pragma(msg, typeof(chu).stringof);

Make sure you have a newer compiler, though, as partial template
specialization with IFTI was only introduced in DMD 1.038.

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