On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:47:29 +0000
John Colvin via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> The attachment feature is useful (and is used) for listing large 
> test-cases, stack traces etc. It is not an exclusive feature for 
> patches.
i don't ever talked about disabling attaches. but there is no sense to
allow attaching *PATCHES*.

> What part of http://wiki.dlang.org/Get_involved and related pages 
> weren't clear to you, such that even after being told about 
> github being the chosen method you still decided that the 
> "(proposed patch, testcase, etc.)" text by the issues.dlang.org 
> "Add an attachment" link superseded it all!
that is overall D attitude: "don't look at what we wrote here, look at
what we wrote there! sure, you HAVE to go there first, and we will not
give you any handly links. and than we'll blame you for using our tools
as we wrote in that tools, 'cause you must use that tools as we wrote
outside of that tools. and we blame you for don't reading something
that is not even linked from inside our tool. and we will not fix it
and blame you again, 'cause it's fun and we never fixing 'cosmetic
issues' anyway."

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