On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at 11:33:05 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at 11:18:43 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Native efficiency combined with expressiveness and ease of use, as the front page says. That's too general-purpose to just go build some specialized app like docker, but in the long run may lead to much bigger wins.

I think so too, D aims at a broader goal than most of the new languages out there. I find the people in here quite grumpy these days. D is already a great usable and enjoyable language. I agree that some features should be removed and other extended for closure. But it's nothing that can't be achived in a few years.

Funnily enough, I had the same thoughts about grumpiness. And it is not just the D forum, but this moment more generally, at least in the English-speaking world. One of the ways I want to start using D is to do work on text analysis in order to better understand the influence of _affect_ on perception, economic fundamentals and market pricing. I have not been able to find a better tool than D for this (only a bit more work to port the libraries). Others are looking at this, but I think they start from a mechanistic idea that does not truly describe or lead to insights about mass human emotional dynamics.

For a concrete example of what I mean, it is in my view no coincidence that 2008 saw strife in the world of D (and, I gather, an explosion of bug reports) at the same time as gathering turmoil in financial markets. The unfolding of a negative wave in affect, and its influence via the neuroeconomics phenomenon of misattribution of mood played a key part.

Back to D itself: comparing oneself with others may be destructive when the situation of others is different because one may learn a lesson that simply doesn't apply, even if at a pre-conscious level. Andrei made this point some time ago. And it is good that people argue if that means they have high standards and care about meeting them (see a recent book - something like the upside of your dark side), provided we use this energy to make things better, which, to this newcomer to D is what seems to be happening.

Social institutions ebb and flow. And a language is a social institution. The argument that because X has not gone anywhere means in the future it will not go anywhere is mistaken (whether or not the conclusion holds depends on other factors). The right complemtentary factors as well as the right external conditions need to be in place before something reaches a point where it takes off publicly. I don't think these conditions and factors were there before for D, and I wouldn't have bothered mentioning to people in finance. But that is different now...

D isn't competing head on with any major language in its dominant use case, because that never favours the little guy. Where any newcomer gets traction is at the fringes - see the Innovators Dilemma by Christensen. It builds strength quietly in areas neglected by the dominant player, and uses the table scraps to create something of intrinsically great future power later in its development. I am no expert, but I am a thoughtful user, and I think for example one sees a little complacency in the neglect by senior people in Python of the need for raw power given its all I/O or done by the C library back end. Many projects like cython and pypy, but from what I have been able to see for my uses they are inferior to doing it all in D.

One should look at the notable relative success stories too - do more of what is working than necessarily be all things to all men. Sociomantic, adroll, Facebook? Seems like if D has an edge in these areas, its not a domain that is going to be shrinking in the next few years...

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