On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:35:22 -0400, downs <default_357-l...@yahoo.de> wrote:

With all the neat template tricks we have in 2.0, and since we're widely redefining the syntax anyway, why not deprecate the current cast syntax and move it into object.d as a library function?

So instead of cast(Foo) bar; you would say cast!Foo(bar); .. save on a keyword and demonstrate language power at the same time.

What sez ye?

What is the benefit? Does it allow anything that isn't possible today (aside from using cast as a member, which I find not that worthy)?

What I'd much rather have is directed casts, even if they are supported by the compiler, such as the casting features of C++ (i.e. const_cast and static_cast).

I actually prefer the compiler to handle the casting versus templates to cut down on template instantiation bloat.


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