On Monday, 29 December 2014 at 13:20:39 UTC, Julian Kranz wrote:
Thank you for your answer. This kind of thing also works for C++, but that would mean that I would implement the whole visitor twice - one const and one non-const version. Is that really the only way? Can't I tell the D compiler that "the argument of that lambda shares the const-ness of the current object"?

D offers "inout"; this actually aims into the right directing, but I guess it does not help here.

Is there any "static if"-something construct to check the const-ness of an object?

There's a pattern I suggested before[1] that I'd like to mention
in addition to the template solutions Steven Schveighoffer and
Daniel Kozak gave:

Call the non-const overload from the const overload and cast

In your case:

   void blah(void function(Hugo h) f) {
   void blah(void function(const Hugo h) f) const {
     (cast(Hugo) this).blah(cast(void function(Hugo)) f);

This is safe as long as the non-const overload does not mutate
the object when f doesn't. BUT you have to make sure of that
yourself; the compiler can't help anymore.


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