On Wednesday, 31 December 2014 at 22:53:14 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
It looks quite clean to me:


One of the very first lines:

    $(TABLE2 Kinds of Arrays,
        $(THEAD Syntax, Description)
$(TROW $(ARGS $(I type)*), $(ARGS $(RELATIVE_LINK2 pointers, Pointers to data))) $(TROW $(ARGS $(I type)[$(I integer)]), $(ARGS $(RELATIVE_LINK2 static-arrays, Static arrays))) $(TROW $(ARGS $(I type)[]), $(ARGS $(RELATIVE_LINK2 dynamic-arrays, Dynamic arrays))) $(TROW $(ARGS $(I type)[$(I type)]), $(ARGS $(DDLINK hash-map, Associative Arrays, Associative arrays)))

I had no idea of what it is and how it will look like after doc generation until started checking each macro one by one. Similar stuff in md:

    |       Kinds of Arrays    |
    | Syntax         | Description |
|`type*` | [Pointers to data](/arrays.html#pointers) | |`type[integer]` | [Static arrays](/arrays.html#static-arrays) |

    // etc.

it is just so much easier to work with : resembles actual generated layout, less noise from service symbols, no special macros for basic things. It may be somewhat less maintainable because everything is hard-coded but it is not something that changes casually.

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