On Wednesday, 31 December 2014 at 23:53:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Have fun with LUCKY in markdown.

LUCKY sucks anyway, it would be better to provide a regular link to something directly useful, even Wikipedia (which is usually the one I go straight to, and if I want more, I'll Bing it myself, thank you very much).

Here's a counterpoint: make a Ddoc macro that links to the documentation of a given symbol.

$(DOC std.array.array)

It needs to somehow get here:


The existing solution in Phobos' macros is something like this:

$(XREF range,chain)

But, how to you convert a name, say in a code example, to that macro without manual intervention?

One of the things I like most about ddoc is the code example highlighting. Indeed, I decided to use it last night to start writing the draft of my DConf 2015 proposal:


Not bad, got some easy syntax highlighting and it wasn't painful to write at all.

...but when documenting code, it is nice to be able to click on names and see more information. To compile the ddoc, all imports need to resolve. Why not go ahead and make "import std.variant;" available for linking somehow?

We could make it call a macro like $(XREF std.variant) .... but how do we get that to the link, phobos/std_variant.html? We can't do a call to replace(".", "_").

Well, I do have a solution for this: my dpldocs.info site.


which for a while redirected to the Phobos site, then I found that useless since dlang.org couldn't link overloads and I just displayed the comment myself... but I think I'll go back to redirecting now that we can link to it.

But the point is translating a module name to a Phobos link requires transformation code too complex for a ddoc macro... ironically needing something like LUCKY - an external search engine - to fix...

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