On Friday, 9 January 2015 at 20:24:55 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Great. This helps me understand what is the main impediment at the moment. With that in mind I think we can formulate our GSOC plan better.

As far as I can tell it can focus on 2 paths:

a) Get embedded-savy student to work on MCU support and stuff while delegating most compiler tweaks to mentor(s) and core team.

b) Get a student interested in compilers to deliver on getting robust cross-compiler with minimal run-time. Getting actual boards to work is then delegated to mentors.

I am in favor of a).

I've found that I can only get so far with a), unless you are willing to be rather tolerant with what D currently offers. It could be enough for a summer project, though, and I suppose it could help highlight some of D's current shortcomings in this domain. Eventually, though, a) will need b), and I think b) cannot be done properly without changes in the compiler.


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