On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 17:05:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 1/18/15 9:02 AM, aldanor wrote:
This is usually solved by media queries / responsive design / grid frameworks, sorry if I'm stating the obvious :) Try resizing the commonly used websites and see what happens, e.g. for ruby-lang you have at least 3 "versions" which are selected automatically based on the
current viewport's settings which the browser provides:

E.g. the menus on the left getting folded into one mobile "button" which expands them on demand and leaves more space for the actual content, or some elements disappearing in smaller viewports altogether (like the twitter feed div). This is quite a pain to manage manually without
having an underlying grid framework.

My understanding is there are various simpler way to do this, e.g. separate styles for small screen devices, redirection to a different URL, setting "hidden" to certain DIVs dynamically etc. etc. As you saying there's no way to do this unless we use some grid framework I know nothing about and probably need to learn? -- Andrei

when not using a css framework like this, then the app for the mobile will consist of css and javascript hacks. and mostly one would lack the designers' and frontend developers' experience :)

if i may, i'll go and straightly ask a very great designer friend of mine to help us out. he'll either design a new interface for us or help us make this one better. let me know your call.

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