On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 12:00:58 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 10:24:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Why don't we instead make use of a proper framework both on the server side and client side. Personally I would go with Ruby on Rails but I know that most of you here would hate that so a better suggestion would probably be vibe.d. For the client side I'm thinking Bootstrap and jQuery.

I would suggest you avoid frameworks since they go out of fashion fairly quickly and makes maintenance dependent on individuals (with framework knowledge). jQuery adds little value since browsers are fairly standards-compliant these days, IMO.

Everybody calls everything a framework these days.

Bootstrap or PureCSS are just a bunch of CSS helper classes to quickly model a responsive and modern site. I would definitely use them. Besides, any web developer worth his salt knows one or the other. And with all the tutorials they got, it is not hard to learn them either.

Agree about jQuery. Its practically dead.

It would also look very bad if you cannot run dlang.org on D tech. I suggest using dlang.org for driving phobos implementation/binding of standard w3 web tech. No point in having D marketing other languages or their frameworks.

Yep, run the site on vibe.d, I think this is what everybody wants. Besides, vibe.d is already compiling all the html files.

Let HTML5 layout design be a group effort and then let 1-2 individuals (who know what they are doing) do the CSS styling from scratch after you have the HTML5 ready.

While markup and styling are supposed to be orthogonal, in practice they rarely are. With some styling it works (like paragraphs, headers), other parts just require a coupling between html and css.

You cannot just take some old HTML, apply some css styles and have a modern site. A lot of times you have to change the order, the nesting of elements or apply wrapper elements to achieve a certain look.

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