On 1/19/15 6:54 AM, Dicebot wrote:
Framework doesn't really matter (though dog-fooding is desirable) - it
is a matter of maintainability. You may like RoR but how many people in
D community will be able to maintain such solution if you disappear? I
doubt many.

That's exactly right. That said, suggestions are nice as long as I take them as stuff I ultimately need to work with, not their proponents.

It is sad that Andrei wastes his time on such tasks but it is hard to
find volunteers for such unpleasant things. I'd personally avoid it at
all costs :)

I did the same, with the result that we all know. I figured I can't afford the luxury of avoiding certain work.

This makes me wonder how much rewriting + maintaining something of
dlang.org scale would cost if actually paid for. I'll ask some fellow
web devs - it will be definitely much cheaper in my home country than in
USA :)

That would be interesting, thanks!


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