Robert Jacques wrote:
On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 21:32:13 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu <> wrote:

Consider two objects a and b with a of class type. Currently, the expression a == b is blindly rewritten as a.opEquals(b). I argue it should be rewritten into a call to an (imaginary/inlined) function equalObjects(a, b), with the following definition:

bool equalObjects(T, U)(T a, U b) if (is(T == class))
     static if (is(U == class))
         if (b is null) return a is null;
         if (a is null) return b is null;
         enforce(a !is null);
     return a.opEquals(b);

This hoists the identity test outside the opEquals call and also deals with null references. What do you think?


I like this. I think optimizing away opEquals for identical objects would also be a good idea:

static if (is(U == class))
    if(a is b || a is null || b  is null) return a is b;
    enforce(a !is null);

This code has an inefficiency, it seems, because it makes a bit more checks than necessary (e.g. checks a is b twice). Let's simplify:

bool equalObjects(T, U)(T a, U b) if (is(T == class))
     static if (is(U == class))
         if (a is b) return true;
         if (b is null || a is null) return false;
         enforce(a !is null);
     return a.opEquals(b);


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