On Thursday, 22 January 2015 at 19:37:11 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
Might be of use to someone, but I was looking for ways to speed up dmd's albeit already fast compilation times.

Just by dropping in jemalloc in place of glibc's malloc via LD_PRELOAD on my linux machine I saw a 10-15% drop in compilation times across the board. Not sure if this is common knowledge or not.

Might be interesting to try some other implementations, too? TCMalloc[0] and nedmalloc[1] at least have permissive licenses. (Hoard[2] and Lockless[3] also seem interesting, but are GPL or worse.)


[0] Part of gperf-tools https://code.google.com/p/gperftools/
[1] http://www.nedprod.com/programs/portable/nedmalloc/index.html
[2] http://www.hoard.org/
[3] http://locklessinc.com/downloads/

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