In continuing the series of rant posts about the website, this one will be about the documentation. This is a big one and no fixing css or pretty menus can amend this.

I've recently started learning Rust myself (a few weeks ago) and despite the alpha state of both rustc and website, I found it great and exciting to learn the language. There is a well-thought-out official guide that was a breeze to read through -- I've read most of it while commuting to work on my phone. Then there's Rust by Example which is essentially a semi-organized collection of how-tos, gotchas, snippets and code samples. Rust is not the easiest language of all to learn, but they try to make it simple for those who try.

On the bright side, D has a book. Or rather, it has THE book and a few more books, some of which are free and some are not. However, I wouldn't ever start to read a 500-page manuscript just in order to get acquainted with the language and poke around. There needs to be an official Guide that is not too overly detailed and written in an easy language.

To give a few examples:

I personally see "learning" and "documentation" as two different classes of information. Learning resources might include tutorials, code examples, articles, books, whereas documentation would be a place for more formal (and sometimes computer-generated) information on the standard library, API reference, language grammar and maybe an official style guide. Ideally, the Learning section would be sufficient for a rookie to get started and that should be the go-to destination for all newcomers.

1.1) Documentation: D Reference

Is very hard to browse or search. I don't remember how many times I was looking for an "is" statement docs only to find again, buried under <h4>IsExpresssion</h4> in expression.html, a dozen of pages scrolling down from top. There are no TOCs in the files, there is no global TOC, the drop-down menu on the left is extremely long and non-nested and takes one screen vertically.

All in all though, the contents are OK -- it does require some polishing, it needs to be properly indexed and laid out but that's doable without changing the contents much.

1.2) Documentaiton: Standard Library

There's been some good progress on it recently by Andrei -- but it's auto-generated for the most part so the most of work is in hacking ddoc and styling. The only two issues I could point out is the landing page for "Standard Library" -- I would expect to see a structure of D's stdlib or a nice index and quick links rather than a "why this and why that" wall of text (which should stay as a separate page, but not as an entry point to the standard library pages, from the usability point of view). Another point: there needs to be a better on-site search. Apologies for mention Rust again, but: (type S, see what happens -- the search is not perfect but it's incremental and you can search for functions/traits separately). Since we are the ones who generate the docs, we can totally do this (in a simplest way, bake in the markers into the ddoc and generate a javascript hashmap to trace back to them).

1) D Learning

This is the most problematic part. It's not even obvious where to start.

Say I just landed on via a google search and I want to find a quick user guide. I click D Reference (that seems the closest one to "beginner's guide" out of all options) and I see an "Introduction" page. Ok, looks promising, what do we have there... Ouch, Phases of Compilation, that went wrong fast. Let's try the next one, Lexical. Ouch, wall of text composed of ascii characters, unicode escapes and all other boring things.

Let's go back to Books & Articles. Now, Ali's book is sure very nice, but it's way overly detailed for introduction as it's trying to miss a single thing (which is sure a good thing! ... that is, if you actually decide on reading a BOOK in a first place). Plus, it's not on so it doesn't feel "official". Going back to more books, we see some 5-7 year old books, some very recent ones (but not free), and a few tutorials on a specific areas (like Philip's) -- again, nothing really qualifies as an introduction guide. This section is definitely more well-suited for intermediate D programmers who already know what they want to learn.

Books & Articles -> Howtos (is that a book or an article?). This links to a (yet another site?..) where we have an unorganized mess of links. Some of them sound useful but it's unlikely we are interested in voldemort types or unittest placement yet. In fact, I've just found out there's a bunch of information on wiki that I see myself for the first time -- if it took me several years, how long will it take a newcomer? It would be nice to move the best/finalized bits and examples into a sort of a "D by Example" official section on the website. Wiki is useful as a collaborative sandbox or a staging area, but it's fugly, feels foreign and not so nice for reading.

Books & Articles -> Floating Point. What does that article have to do with learning D and what exactly is it doing there (apart from being a nice article on floating point)?

Example: wc -> this is neither a book, nor an article and it belongs to a "D by Example" along with other examples from wiki. Plus, the code is quite ugly and inelegant.

Warnings: not a book nor an article. Belongs in Documentation.

C to D: this is especially confusing, since there are:
- Books & Articles > C to D
- Books & Articles > C++ to D
- Books & Articles > C Preprocessor to D
- D Reference > Interfacing to C
- D Reference > Interfacing to C++
which overlap somewhat (the "Books & Articles" ones) being more of a collection of recipes without a proper index. Quite hard to browse through or search for something specific. Not sure if this belongs to Learning or Documentation, perhaps the latter.

... that's all. At this point the disgruntled newbie closes the website and goes on learning himself some Rust.

[NB] SUGGESTION: initiate work on an Official Guide and keep it up to date with the latest language features. It could even be largely a copy-paste from Ali's book and TDPL (upon Ali's and Andrei's permission), omitting unnecessary details (and rather pointing at a specific places in documentation where additional information could be found) and written in a friendly manner with a human touch. I think it's much simpler than it sounds if we do it collaboratively and it doesn't have to be feature-complete before released. If we choose to do it, it may be best to keep it in a separate github repo in order to make it easier to compile separately without having to compile dmd/druntime/etc.

Optionally, but highly suggested: initiate work on D by Example: a searchable collection of up-to-date self-documenting D examples, structured by the topic, like a book. Some of the examples from wiki could be moved there, some Rosetta examples by bearophile and many more. Could be even parts of some libraries or Phobos. The point is, we have more than we need, it's just scattered across the Internet, so we need to unscatter it.

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