So H.S. Teoh awesomely took to completion. We now have a working and fast relational "group by" facility.

See it at work!


void main()
    import std.algorithm, std.stdio;
    [293, 453, 600, 929, 339, 812, 222, 680, 529, 768]
        .groupBy!(a => a & 1)

[[293, 453], [600], [929, 339], [812, 222, 680], [529], [768]]

The next step is to define an aggregate() function, which is a lot similar to reduce() but works on ranges of ranges and aggregates a function over each group. Continuing the previous example:

    [293, 453, 600, 929, 339, 812, 222, 680, 529, 768]
        .groupBy!(a => a & 1)

should print:

[453, 600, 929, 812, 529, 768]

The aggregate function should support aggregating several functions at once, e.g. aggregate!(min, max) etc.



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