On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 01:50:58 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 29/01/2015 2:34 p.m., Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
What about that Aurora project? Wasn't that supposed to fill this kind
of role?

Window/Context creation is not the same as e.g. a GUI toolkit.
They are in fact very different.
A window/context creation library is usually within a GUI toolkit but a GUI toolkit is never in a window/context creation library.

If I was to compare Devisualization.Window, it would be to glfw.
We will not be agreeing on a GUI toolkit in the next couple of years. That's ok. We should at the very minimal be able to agree on how to create a window/context and get most types of events.

Aurora is not intended to be a gui as far as I can tell, it is just a graphics library, it is supposed to include window creation as well as much more. But not gui. The plan was to build a gui library on top of it once it was done.

It still seems like a good idea to try to get window creation now as Aurora could take a very long time to get done(if ever) and Aurora could use it as well.

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