On Thursday, 5 February 2015 at 06:56:52 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
You have clearly put a lot of effort in this. That makes me very uneasy to repeat the same critique as earlier but, sadly, it still all applies. This proposal tries to fix problems it doesn't prove exist, doing so with solutions that are not guranteed to help.

It also wrongly explains current process of inclusion into Phobos in general and specifically std.experimental - being probably one of more involved persons with Phobos review queue I feel like this needs to be explained.

Considering all the discussion that happened during std.experimental.logger I understand that we have settled with pretty much this:

1) All Phobos proposals must go through std.experimental.logger
2) It must implement something generally desired in Phobos
3) Implementation is supposed to be at least stable enough to not undergo a full rewrite after inclusion. Major API changes are acceptable. 4) Before DMD/Phobos release is made existing packages that feel stable can undergo a formal review for inclusion in Phobos main package

It seems to me that number 2 is wrong. It doesn't matter what is generally desired. The final say depends completely on the leadership. Yes or No has to come from above. Or am I wrong about this?

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