On Wednesday, 4 February 2015 at 23:15:25 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
This looks very similar to std.experimental.

In one way, yes, it is similar to std.experimental, but not that much as it seems.

More precisely:

1. Take the namespace designed for new module drafting out of the Phobos
2. Put it in a separate library
3. Allow community common development from the beginning of the drafting stage
4. Propose Phobos inclusion when module is ready

I originally thought that the difference between std.experimental and this library was going to be how it was used.

   module that may become part of the standard libary later

your proposed library "mars"?:
modules that will probably not become a part of the standard library.

Just small clarification.

Drafting library would include modules that are welcome to become a standard. The final decision about Phobos submission is made after standardization attempt failed, not before!

They are "addons" to the standard library. i.e. Maybe you would like the SDL library, but it doesn't make sense to include in the standard library because it it not useful to everyone. For these kinds of libraries it would be nice to have a set of community supported libraries that shouldn't be in the standard library but are still useful to a subset of the community.

The DIP is defined in the spirit of what you originally thought.

1. If you want SDL (literaly) then use code.dlang.org package
2. If you want SDL like functionality then propose a new draft module (including gui functionality)


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