On 2/5/15 1:54 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

However, I don't agree that the entire function can be marked @safe.
Otherwise, @safe code will now contain arbitrary @trusted blocks inside,
and so anybody can freely escape @safe restrictions just by putting
objectionable operations inside @trusted blocks. The function still
needs to be marked @trusted -- to draw attention for the need of
scrutiny -- *but* the function body is still confined under @safe
requirements, except that now the "escape hatch" of @trusted code blocks
are permitted as well.

Let's assume @trusted means @safe code can call it, but it may have @system-like functionality in it (however it happens).

Whether it's in an internal lambda/nested static function or not, the point is, @safe code can call @trusted code. To say that @safe makes some promises above/beyond @trusted is just incorrect.

Now, if you're saying @trusted cannot be called via @safe, then I don't know what your plan is for @trusted :) If that's true, please explain.


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