After some discussions on topic I decided to have a look how it actually may look in practice and experience was mostly pleasing so far.

Trivial proof of concept :

Idea is to create an aggregated repository as part of D-Programming-Language organization which will include other existing ones as a submodules and host utility script(s) for easy jump in and release management.

There is somewhat similar project by Vladimir ( but it has different goals - providing synchronised history across all dlang repos. In my proposed repo actual submodule commits get updated only when new compiler release is being made and updating to latest development version from a fresh clone is done via simle script.

That will both define a standard file layout cross-repo tools can rely on and allow anyone curious to quickly get started with D development by cloning a single repository - without polluting the system with any additional artifacts.

See repo for more details

Additional possibilities for future development:

1) replacing makefiles with D-based build scipts for perfect cross-plafrom bootstrapping with no extra dependencies 2) including Digger ( into standard layout for those who need more sophisticated repo management 3) enabling GitHub issues _for that one repo_ to use milestones instead of for release planning


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