On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 06:22:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Yet we do have matters that are important and urgent. We want to improve Phobos' take on memory allocation. Yet not one soul is working on RefCounted. Few know even what needs to be done of it.

I think you may have just answered your own question.

Why? Why are so many of us dedicating so much energy to tweaking what already works, instead of tackling real problems? Problems that e.g. - pardon my being pedantic - are in the vision document?

I feel a bit of the myth of the interchangeable programmer
creeping in here. Maybe the people who are working on websites
aren't memory management experts. Are our memory management
experts working on websites? If a web designer was tasked with
improving RefCounted, what are the odds of their work getting
through code review?

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