On Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 07:50:50 UTC, Manu wrote:
Well you can't get to a subcomponent if not through it's owner.
If the question is about passing RC objects members to functions, then the solution is the same as above, the stack needs a reference to the parent before it can pass a pointer to it's member down the line for
the same reasons.

Yeah, or you could mimic such a reference by wrapping the call in an addRef/release cycle, as a performance optimization.

The trouble then is what if that member pointer escapes? Well I'd imagine that it needs to be a scope pointer (I think we all agree RC relies on scope). So a raw pointer to some member of an RC object must
be scope(*).

I have a whole Reference Safety System which doesn't need explicit scope because it incorporates it implicitly:


That it can't escape, combined with knowledge that the
stack has a reference to it's owner, guarantees that it won't

I think you and I are on the same page.

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