On Friday, 13 March 2015 at 15:17:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
This in big bold font, too. The HTML way of saying, "you wanted startsWith? I'll give you more startsWith than you can carry." Picture the effect this has on someone who just wanted to see if a string starts with another.

We need to make the template constraints distinct for formatting in ddoc.

Sadly http://dlang.org/library/std/algorithm/starts_with.html is bad in other ways. It doesn't have any examples! In contrast, the unified page does have some decent examples.

This all is under the "curb appeal" category.

The language reference is pretty abysmal too. EG...

The language "Introduction" spends all it's time talking about phases of compilation. That's like introducing someone to driving by explaining how the internal combustion engine works.

The page on templates starts with scope and instantiation details. The examples at the start have alias parameters which aren't explained until half way down the page.

I mean why no start the template page with something that people will find familiar and then build on that?

It has that feel all the way through. You go looking for things and they never seem to be where you expect, or they are so tersely explained, it feels like it's a reference for people already experts in D. Which is fine if that's what it's meant to be ... but if you want to attract new people you need a "guided tour" rather than a "technical spec".

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