On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 15:13:44 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

Regular desktop usage statistics don't apply to developer communities. The few times an OS survey was done here, it was overwhelmingly Linux IIRC. You can't expect people who don't use(or have access to) Windows/OSX to cater to those platforms.

This is the keyword: here. Don't expect to attract other kind of developers if you have nothing to offer them. I am using D for 4 years now and I didn't even respond to these polls because I fill as an outsider here. I don't find any use of levenshteinDistance in my LOB applications, i'm keeping to use D for personal experimental projects.

D does not have a big corporation like Microsoft or Google backing it, it has people donating their own time.

D focuses on portability because it's a systems programming language, not .NET in native form.

Portability limited to an OS with 3% usage? std.c.windows is older than my grandma and contains ANSI Windows bindings. But nothing about WinRT. Even the Windows API model has changed in the meantime: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh802935%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

"D is a language with C-like syntax and static typing. It pragmatically combines efficiency, control, and modeling power, with safety and programmer productivity." - this is on the landing page.

I see nothing about "system programming language". But I saw something about productivity.

I can't really think of any language that doesn't implement strings as an array of characters.

I understand very well the meaning of "immutable(char)[]" but I try to walk in the first time user's shoes. The problem is that using a string you must understand before concepts like immutability. To sort them, well, you must buy a book.

complex numbers are much easier to implement than a good currency system.

Again, just a some calls to WinAPI - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms221612(v=vs.85).aspx

Oops, I forgot, we need portability and probably a very versatile kind of currency supporting n bits instead a simple 128 bit standard one and we must write some efficient code, not like the one written by these illiterate programmers from MS. And these functions are not pure and @safe. Let's rewrite them.

So, IMHO, if you want to attract users, here is my list:
- concentrate on most used OSes - Windows/OSX and Android/iOS.
- don't write scary documentation;
- offer standard functionality instead of the obscure one. It's nice to have it, but the use case scenarios are rare. - a GUI will be nice. You know, that thing allowing the developer to put a button and writing events... instead of the sad black console used by nobody I know.

Followed by renaming it to D#?

So having built-in Windows/OSX/Andoroid/iOS support, nice documentation, real world functionality and a GUI system makes D some kind of C#? Did I understand it correctly, or it's just a pun?

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