On Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 05:06:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/13/2015 2:20 PM, bearophile wrote:

I have used languages that did not have implicit casting (Pascal) and didn't have a positive experience with it. It didn't detect a single actual bug, and managed to be quite annoying.

I've been using D for a month and already had 3 bugs caused by implicit casting. The fact that...

int a = 0;
float b = 1;
a = a+b; // Causes a compile time error and...
a += b; // does not

Is absolutely ludicrous.

FWIW maybe with the kind of programming your doing you wont see the issues with that. But for me, DSP and statistics, I dont ever want implcit casts between float and int.

In fact nine times out of ten I want specific rounding when converting from float to int.

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