If stories are wanted, I might as well tell mine.

It is not a success story but as a newcommer to D I feel like writing it down somewhere before forgetting my first impressions. But first, a bit of background.

I'm a CS student and an autodidact before that. I grew up with GNU/Linux and never worked with a Windows environment. My first languages were bash with which I discovered programming, a Scheme/Lisp (SICP) for which I did not really found it any useful use at the time and python in this order. I had later to learn C, C++, java, D and many others but bash, Scheme and python defined my vision of programming.

From bash I got the Unix philosophy (simple bricks that combine well) and a taste for interactivity and incremental development. SICP gave me the mental framework needed to tackle real programming and a taste for functional programming. Python gave me a language that combined almost anything I liked from bash and scheme (well... I still miss my pipes) and the access to the best ecosystem I know about. Great and very specialized libraries, a mostly FOSS-oriented community, great package management (pip), great online docs (always clear, good search functions, examples), virtualenv, many repls and a *lot* of articles and videos on the internet. Most of all it achieved its supreme goal of readability.

I've been using python for many years now, mostly on little projects because I feel like it.

Today my time is mainly divided between teaching, software auditing and reverse-engineering. In the field of offensive security only two languages count: C for understanding low-level code and manipulating library structures directly and python for everything else. Its dev speed and *really really good* libraries (scapy...) make it the way to go for many.

So why use D? Well, one day I grew tired of python and almost at the same time I had a project that had a need for performance. I had tried calling python in C before and it is such a ugly mess that I wanted to do anything to avoid that. There are other ways to link the two (FFI...) but mixing python and C in the same files didn't feel very comfortable. Python's strength is its readability, putting C in it would defeat the purpose.

I had a look at Go, Rust and such but they didn't impress me at the time. Frankly, the one thing that sold D to me was that snippet on the wikipedia page:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.range : iota;
import std.parallelism : parallel;

void main()
    foreach (i; iota(10).parallel) {
// The body of the foreach loop is executed in parallel for each i
        writeln("processing ", i);

It is funny because I didn't actually have any opportunity to use yet it but it just felt so much like python and yet was so much better (python's multiprocessing is not its best point).

It is anecdotic but after reading everywhere about how fast is compiling D, I was very surprised to see it taking 2s for a regular "Hello World". I understand it better now but at the time I was disapointed.

Porting my python code was interesting. I could basically get quite the same expressiveness but getting to it was harder. At first I couldn't use the D documentation at all, because all the constraints on functions were really frightening, so my first documentation was actually the site http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code where I learned many basic constructs.

HINT 1: this site is great, either link to and nurture it or do something similar on dlang.org

HINT 2: it took me about a month and a good tutorial on templates (btw, thanks G.Willoughby) to start understanding the full prototypes of standard functions. I really recommend putting the constraint part in slight grey so that it is still here and readable but the immediatly useful part of the prototype stands out.

HINT 3: no beginner cares about how exactly it is compiled or advanced metaprogramming options. This should not be more than mentionned in a "getting started" page. It is cool stuff, it should be said, but it definitely does not fit in an introduction to any language.

The more I used D, the better I liked its functional side (UCFS <3) and its safety. And the fact that it has ranges everywhere is great, but I still wonder why in a language that wants to use ranges everywhere they are so complicated to build... Not everybody wants to build a struct for everything. Python has generators everywhere, why is that? Because the syntax is easy and simple. Either use yield like you would use a return, either build one on the fly with generator expansion:

for i in (2*x for x in range(100) if x%3==0):

The closest I could find is foreach over a function, which is cool but not as easy as yield. InputRange can do more than simple generators but a "real" yield would cover the 90% case IMO.

But right now the real reason why I hesitate advising it to my friends is because of its stability. I mean, come on! I've only been here for something like 5 month and I've seen many propositions to add new features and change others. Right now is discussed the possibility of changing the default constness of variables which would most likely break a lot of code. I can't see how a company could think about investing into a project in D if they can't have any vision of how long it will be before they have to change theyre whole code because "such commenting syntax is better" or anything like that.

HINT 4: D is great. It is a good language already. Stop mutating it! Fix bugs, improve the standard library, work on the ecosystem, reduce compile-time, but do not try breaking things all the time. Don't even think of improving yield as I suggested before, I'd prefer a standard library based solution at this point.

Here is my feeling after some month of D. I know I'm not the typical target so don't take it too seriously but I felt like it wasn't totally pointless to report my experience.

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