On Monday, 16 March 2015 at 04:00:51 UTC, Zach the Mystic wrote:
"Functions and methods can be overloaded on scope. This allows efficient passing of RC wrappers for instance..."

How does the compiler figure out which of the variables it's passing to the parameters are `scope` or not? Does the caller try the scoped overloads first by default, and only if there's an error tries the non-scoped overloads? If so, what causes the error?

Hmm... I guess it only makes sense for postblits and destructors. I'm not sure about constructors and opAssign, so I'll leave these out for now. I've changed the wiki page accordingly.

"To specify that the value is returned through another parameter, the return!ident syntax can be used...

struct RC(T) if(is(T == class)) {
    scope T payload;
    T borrow() return {    // `return` applies to `this`
        return payload;

The example contains no use of `return!ident`.

I added an example.

Also, what exactly does the `scope` on T payload get you? Is it just a more specific version of `return` on the this parameter, i.e. `return this.payload`? Why would you need that specificity? What is the dangerous operation it is intended to prevent?

Nick already answered that. I'll expand on his explanation:

Let's take the RC struct as an example. Instances of RC can appear with and without scope. Because structs members inherit the scope-ness from the struct, `payload` could therefore be an unscoped pointer. It could therefore be escaped unintentionally. By adding `scope` to its declaration, we force it to be scoped to the structs lifetime, no matter how it's accessed.

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