On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 21:06:04 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
On 03/17/15 20:47, deadalnix via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Not that much. But q{ string are a pain in the ass.

Why? I'm not sure if you're referring to using or parsing them.
The only problem with the former is the lack of a non-brace-nesting
Lexing is quite trivial, as long as the lexer supports recursion.
For example, this is a complete implementation:

   TokenString:  "q{" TokenStringBody "}"
TokenStringBody: ( ( ![{}] TokenClass )+ / BracedTokenSequence )* BracedTokenSequence: "{" ( ( ![{}] TokenClass )+ / BracedTokenSequence )* "}"

That's PEG, but the mapping to code should be fairly obvious.

For syntax highlighting purposes it can actually be even simpler - it's enough to treat a `q{` token just like a `{`; everything that follows

No. I don't agree. `q{` makes sense: it's a helper for a string you want to mix. `q{` means: don't highlight me as a string even if i'm one. It's clearly made for the people who writes text editors and IDEs.

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