For those who don't know, ycmd ( is an editor-agnostic completion engine that aims to reduce a lot of the duplicate code written for handling autocompletions in different language/editor combinations.

A long time ago, there was a request to get D support integrated into ycmd:

It was closed as DCD was not 'stable' at the time. After DCD became 'stable', it seemed there was nobody available to put together the ycmd integration.

Do people think there would be value in reviving this effort?

I was playing around with integrating D completion into YCMD, but I'm getting to the point where it is becoming non-trivial.

I'm mainly interested in autocompletion in Vim, which already works reasonably well with Dutyl (a plugin that, among other things, helps set up vim's omnifunc to use DCD).

Would it be worthwhile to try to move D completion forward by integrating DCD with ycmd, or is it just better to keep working on existing editor-specific solutions like Dutyl?

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