On Friday, 24 April 2015 at 20:44:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I'm afraid we are stuck with autodecoding, as taking it out may be far too disruptive.


But all is not lost. The Phobos algorithms can all be fixed to not care about autodecoding. The changes I've made to std.string all reflect that.


I haven't really followed the autodecoding conversations. The problem is that front on char ranges decode, right? Is there quick way to tell which functions are auto decoding so we can have a list of candidates for replacement? It'd be good for hackweek.

I'm reminded of this conversation http://forum.dlang.org/post/xgnurdjcqiyatpvnw...@forum.dlang.org which contains a partial list of candidates. Following your lead with implementing these lazy versions (without autodecoding) would be good hackweek projects.

Finally, there is this http://goo.gl/Wmotu4 list from http://forum.dlang.org/post/lvmydbvjivsvmwtim...@forum.dlang.org that has some good candidates for hackweek I think.

Are we collecting hackweek ideas anywhere?

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