On Sunday, 3 May 2015 at 17:39:48 UTC, Robert burner Schadek
std.xml has been considered not up to specs nearly 3 years now. Time to build a successor. I currently plan the following featues for it:

- SAX and DOM parser
- in-situ / slicing parsing when possible (forward range?)
- compile time switch (CTS) for lazy attribute parsing
- CTS for encoding (ubyte(ASCII), char(utf8), ... )
- CTS for input validating
- performance

Not much code yet, I'm currently building the performance test suite https://github.com/burner/std.xml2

Please post you feature requests, and please keep the posts DRY and on topic.

Not a feature, but if `std.data.json` [1] gets accepted in to
Phobos, it may be something to consider naming this
`std.data.xml` (although that might not as effectively
differentiate it from `std.xml`).

[1]: http://wiki.dlang.org/Review_Queue

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