On Wednesday, 13 May 2015 at 08:26:35 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Monday, 11 May 2015 at 09:31:34 UTC, Chris wrote:
Hm, I was thinking of something like that, however, it gets more and more complicated if you have e.g. a class that uses another class etc.

class Data // A singleton
 // stores paths to resources etc.

class Loader
  this.data = Data.getInstance();
 // Loads files and caches them in memory

class Process
 // Uses cached data

It ain't easy to unit test Process, but even Loader and Data can be tricky to unit test, because all of them depend on input from the outside.

That's the reason for IoC design; it's similar to ranges in a sense that you feed the range with data instead of letting it figure out where to get that data on its own.

However, the data comes from somewhere outside the program, and although you can IoC most parts of a program _after_ it's been fed the data, the initial input section is not easily unit tested (i.e. unit test in D).

Unit tests only work for the data processing logic inside a unit after the program has received the data from the outside. But the initial acquisition of data is outside the scope of these unit tests. Thus, there are always bits and pieces that cannot be unit-tested like e.g. loading files.

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