"I feel like I could write a book on why I use D, so I'm going to
stop now : )"

Actually, kidding aside, I do believe that it would make sense to collect some personal warts-and-all accounts of the experience of individuals working in academe, the corporate sector, and elsewhere in switching to D. One can think of it as a Studs Terkel type exercise, or something more like a Stanford case study. But either way, a narrative is very powerful in making the prospect of switching vivid, because in those little details and with the benefit of the natural coherence to which humans are used to thinking there is power that may supplement a drier, more factual presentation of the benefits of D. I personally found Don's account at a dconf a year or two back rather powerful. (Who he was representing helped, but less than one might think). I would also mention the very good talk by the German games developer whose name I have unfortunately forgotten this second - and in a rush.

There is an empty page here if anyone cares to get the ball rolling. I'll add something myself when I have time in a few days, but if anyone cares to add their own experience, perhaps that might be of considerable benefit over time:


I'm not weaselcat, but I'm an academic and I also tried out Rust before using D. I came to the conclusion that there was no way I could ever expect any collaborator to use Rust. The syntax was crazy. The requirement to study memory management issues (something completely irrelevant) before even reading the code was a non-starter. It's just a complicated language that is not suited for the average programmer.

I very much appreciate your taking the time to share your perspective (and I always enjoy reading your posts). I looked at Rust, but it doesn't address the problems I have, and I find the complexity off-putting.

D is different. As long as I avoid templates, it's easy to read the code I've written, without any experience with the language.

My own curve has been flattish, up until the point I got to templates, which are a bit more of a challenge. Until recently the most advanced part of language design I was familiar with was ANSI C prototypes, so it's worse for me than for most others, I suppose!

weaselcat again:

"I truly believe that D is easier to port C code to than C++ because you can write D in a "cleaned up" C for the most part, and slowly turn it into D whereas C++ is essentially a completely different style".

Yes - exactly what I have found (I don't know C++, although as I learn D it becomes easier to read C++ code).

Thanks for sharing the thoughts. In a hurry, but I wanted to say something quickly now.

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