On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 11:59:12 +0000, extrawurst wrote:

>> dub as a build tool sux. no need to discuss that, it simply sux.
> why do you think it sucks ?

'cause it's not more than a simple script in it's core. it can't do good 
conditional builds, it can't track dependencies for generated files or 
non-D code, and so on. it's "rdmd with some bells and some features 

this is fine for simple pure D projects, but for complex projects one 
have to use supplement build tool. and if we have *two* build tools in 
use, it's logical to remove one that is more tied to the language. and 
it's dub.

so while it's ok to use dub to build simple things, it's not a good build 
system. my k8jam, while can't do "consolidated" (i.e. non-separate ;-) 
builds, can build D code with C/C++ libraries (which are built from 
source too), generate files, track dependencies, do 'configure' work, 
allows "dlang.require" operators with dependency tracking between 
libraries and so on. it can't download libraries, though -- i choose to 
not implement that, hoping that dub can fulfill that role.

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