On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 16:05:17 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> A protocol to be used between dmd and dub (or any other package fetcher)
> would be a good first step.

that was the thing i once proposed. see, we have a powerful scripting 
language inside DMD: D! yet we never used all it's power to do something 
really exciting -- like, for example, preparing command lines for 
external package fetching tool and parsing the answers. instead of 
providing a simple module for that, it all goes to be hardcoded.

i extended CTFE engine with simple file i/o functions and "system" call 
with config-defined executables (something like sudoers list) just to see 
if it will be usable. and it's surprisingly fun even with all the limits 
and without hooks for module imports and so on.

this system can be extended to allow writing arbitrary subcommands (like 
git). just import the corresponding subcommand module, if any, and CTFE 
it's invocation point. bingo! the system that can be extended without 
recompiling the compiler. and user can add subcommands on per-project 

sadly, this seems to get no "wow!"s. :-(

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