Am 08.06.2015 um 08:47 schrieb Jacob Carlborg:
On 2015-06-08 08:04, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Isn't just the list of *modules* needed and not the list of *imports*?
The registry can easily query the list of files of a package using the
GitHub API. The package description is obviously already known, too, so
this would definitely be possible to do without compiling anything.

There's still the issue with a module not having a matching filename.

I think that will only work with a target type "sourceLibrary" anyway (since such modules always have to be on the compiler command line), so it will always be at least somewhat problematic. But there is already some code [1] to extract the module name for "dub test", so that would still be easy to do without actually invoking the compiler.


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