On 6/11/15 4:31 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 13:09:21 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/11/15 8:54 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
On 11-Jun-2015 15:22, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/11/15 4:24 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Already works. Just define opSlice for container that returns a range
and then:

foreach(elem; container) {}

is lowered to:

foreach(elem; container[]) {}

I think you want to do opIndex which takes no parameters.

Ehm. How is being more logical or what is the reason?

opSlice is no
longer supposed to be used that way (though it still works for

Now that's the real news. Me thinks slice it on foreach was added
speicfically for std.container back in 2012. Where the docs for the
later change (well, both of them for that matter)?

See this thread, was news to me too:

The rationale was in order to support multi-dimensional slicing.

Yes, but isn't it specifically for the case where you're using
multi-dimensional arrays and _not_ the general case? Certainly, that's
what I understood when talking with John Colvin about how the
multi-dimensional array support works. It sounded like the compiler
started looking for other stuff to be implemented if you defined opIndex
with no parameters, whereas it doesn't if opSlice with no parameters is
defined. So, I wouldn't start using opIndex that way without really
understanding what's going on there in detail.

At this point, I think opIndex() and opSlice() are identical (and the compiler I think will try opIndex() first), but I don't know what happens if you have other methods defined.

Regardless, from an idiomatic perspective, it makes far more sense to be
implementing opSlice with empty parameters than opIndex simply based on
what the operators are for. So, if you can do both, I'd argue that you
should be using opSlice with no parameters if you don't need whatever
the heck is going on with multi-dimensional arrays.

No, opIndex with no parameters is more idiomatic. The other way is just supported for legacy reasons.

It's pretty simple to understand. Let's start from a 3-arg slicing operation:

o[a..b, c, d..e] => o.opIndex(o.opSlice!0(a, b), c, o.opSlice!2(d, e));

Now, let's remove parameters:

o[a..b, c] => o.opIndex(o.opSlice!0(a, b), c);
o[a..b] => o.opIndex(o.opSlice!0(a, b));
o[] => o.opIndex();

It makes sense, and is very extendable, and uniform. You can deal with this much easier when imlplementing some sort of wrapping than one that has to do something different depending on how many args are passed inside the []. I like the new way.


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