angry - yes after getting stabbed on my way home from work with an allahu akbar.
hate - no.
i despise the muslim religion for its pedophile men (and prophet) marrying 9 yr. old girls, beheading people because they are no muslims, raping themselves through the middle east and thinking of christians, jews and women as creatures lesser than dogs. i don't want to learn anything from muslims - believe it or not, i watch the news and would have to degenerate a couple of hundred years to think like a muslim. maybe you should take a look at these links and learn a little bit about your religion, since the links content illustrate the sad truth.
well this was my last post, sorry if i offended someone.

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 16:28:52 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 16:16:09 UTC, berlin wrote:
well, read something to your world situation. take it from an old kufr that dos not want to live under islamic law:

you might also want to take a closer look at "taqiyya" - that is why nobody can trust a muslim.

It's your anger and hate you need to take a hard look at, it's taking you to a dark place. Whatever it is that's really eating you, I doubt it's the muslims that caused it. BTW if you want to learn about Islam, learn it from a muslim and not hate propagation sites.

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