On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 16:16:09 UTC, berlin wrote:
well, read something to your world situation. take it from an old kufr that dos not want to live under islamic law:


you might also want to take a closer look at "taqiyya" - that is why nobody can trust a muslim.

Hi, I am new to this concept, Off wiki:

"There is a consensus that whomsoever is forced into apostasy and chooses death has a greater reward than a person who takes the license [to deny one's faith under duress], but if a person is being forced to eat pork or drink wine, then they should do that [instead of choosing death]."

Then, can one not logically deduce that if anyone tries to kill muslims, such as the US invading them that they should, if they are not willing to fight and die, they should do **whatever** is forced upon them(until that time which they are willing to die)?

e.g., the U.S. could force 99% of Muslims to do "X" and they will do it(by the above logic), e.g., the statement uses pork and whine but they are just examples, it is open ended.

Now why did the U.S. not do that when we invaded a Muslim country the first 10 times? Is it ignorance(I got the power of that belief 1 min after opening the wiki page, surely there are many smarter people working in the U.S. government than me?) or intentional?

You know how politicians are extremely good at conning the public and wiggling there fingers in to every crevice? How they start off easy, like a sheep, then the next thing you know, you've just been bitten in to?

Surely that skill could have been used on the Muslim wars? Start off with making them teach English and Mathematics in their schools. Force them to submit to such "basic" things. Once your in, your in.... if you really cared to be in, in the first place.

There are many more Americans benefiting from the continuation of wars than there are that are not. The dead soldiers do not count, nor do their families and friends because only the rich and powerful matter. I'm curious to what percentage of men who are rich by birth join the front lines versus those that are poor? War is just the governments way of "spring cleaning". If we really cared about solving the problem we would just assassinate and bomb the crap out of them. Force the fearing Muslims to turn in the non-fearing ones... kill the non-fearing ones. Problem solved... well, again, unless you don't see a problem with the status quo.

I personal opinion is that most muslims as most africans are a bit further back in the development cycle... But since we all came from the same monkey queen I think diversity is good as it helps keep us one step ahead of all the stuff trying to kill us. It would be nice if we could all just get over this "I'm better than you" bullshit that doesn't solve anything. Your mother sucks balls, but do you put her down for it? Yes, many blacks(percentage wise) are quantitatively retarded when measured again the whole, but what good does that do.

I guess a better thing for humanity is simply require everyone to marry outside their race... after a few generations we can move on to real problems that face humanity rather than bickering about who as the biggest dicks. (since everyone will have the biggest dicks and smallest dicks simultaneously, since all will have nearly identical genetic material. Of course, those who masturbate more might have bigger or smaller dicks depending on which scientific publications you read)

Of course, then we'll be all sick from having no immunity from all the bugs that have learned to eat us.

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