On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 14:43:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
To wit, I wrote this to Martin and Walter on May 31st:

Today is May 31st, so we're entering the last month of H1. I'd like to get an early start on updating the vision document, and before creating yet another rambling thread on the forum I thought we should start between the three of us.

What do you guys think would be the main points to attack in H2? Martin, it's particularly important to hear from you.

I hope it's clearer that it was quite unsettling to not hear back about that or anything else.

Regarding the volunteer vs. paid employee aspect - clearly that's a problem. All I can do now is work on the foundation and hope to find sponsors that would allow us to pay the release manager, the keeper of "This Week in D" and others.

About the privacy aspect - the forum post came after repeated fruitless attempts of private contact. Addressing matters in person, privately, is of course the right way and the one I've tried through all channels I could think of.

So you can't get a hold of him by email for a few weeks, thus you
feel justified in publicly outing him on a forum? This could have
still been done far more discretely with a conscious attempt to
avoid addressing him directly in any negative overtones. Your
inability to recognize this mistake illustrates a fundamental
disconnect I think you are having.

Building the process is a difficult and very important job. It stands to reason, then, that we need several folks who can do it and cover contingencies. Martin and I are in talks about building this release together; it would be great if we could get a broader participation.

You are very lucky that Martin has decided to *continue* to help
you out. Again, a good sign that your characterization of the guy
was malformed.

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