On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 at 16:49:45 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 6/23/15 9:48 AM, extrawurst wrote:
I agree with Adam on this: "Just a quick concern, I don't think a
package.d should ever have anything except imports in it"
(see http://forum.dlang.org/post/qwatonmpnoyjsvzjp...@forum.dlang.org)

What is the rationale? -- Andrei

My reasoning is simple : when `package.d` only contains public imports it allows to both use simple `import std.allocator` for those who want to get started quickly and pick only necessary imports for those who try optimizing build times / code clarity. Not doing that does not change anything for those who prefer `import std.allocator` but makes fine tuning of imports impossible. Thus former approach looks either equal or superior for all use cases.

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