In continuation of the "Naming things" thread, Andrei proposed the following plan:

[andralex] 1. Collect all names ADDED to Phobos since 2.067
[andralex] these are names that we have ONE shot in eternity to get right before they’re frozen [andralex] 2. Lead a community discussion on choosing the most palatable names [andralex] 3. We freeze those names in 2.068 and there’s no more discussion about them

So, here's a diff of sorts of public names between 2.067.1 and git master:

Created using:

As we can potentially argue forever about names, I would like to propose the following plan of action:

1. Establish a list of names that have to be changed. (If there's no consensus on a particular name, the name stays.)

2. Choose new names. If there's no consensus, I'll pick a name from the suggested ones, focusing on consistency. (Not entirely happy about this, but I think it's the lesser evil.)

3. Change the names, with 2.068.0 RC1 being the deadline. I'll create and will be updating a PR after the first beta, and ask the release manager to merge it before the RC release.

A rename can be proposed by creating a subthread: reply to this post, but change the name to the fully-qualified name of the identifier you'd like to see renamed. Please include a rationale and a proposed new name in your post. I'll start.

Sounds good?

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