On 7/23/2015 1:08 PM, Dicebot wrote:
> I am not sure how it applies.

D interfaces (defined with the 'interface' keyword) are simple dispatch types, they don't require an Object. Such interfaces can also have default implementations.

> My point was about the fact that `isInputRange`
> and `InputRangeObject` are the same entities in Rust, simply interpreted
> differently by compiler depending on usage context.

I understand.

> This is important because you normally want to design your application in 
> of template constraints and structs to get most out of inlining and
> optimization. However, to define stable ABI for shared libraries, the very 
> interfaces need to be wrapped in runtime polymorphism.
> Closest thing in D would be to define traits as interfaces and use code like this:
> void foo(T)()
>      if (  (is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
>         && Matches!(T, Interface)
>      )
> { }
> where `Matches` is a template helper that statically iterates method list of
> interface and looks for matching methods in T.

I don't think the test for struct and class is necessary. It can be just:

    void foo(T)() if (Matches!(T, Interface)) { ... }

as opposed to:

    void foo(T : Interface)() { ... }

> However, making it built-in feels
> really convenient in Rust:
> - considerably less function declaration visual noise

It's less noise, sure, and perhaps we can do some syntactical sugar to improve that. But I don't think this is a fundamental shortcoming for D as it stands now (although nobody has written a Matches template, perhaps that should be a priority).

> - much better error messages: trying to use methods of T not defined by a 
> will result in compile-time error even without instantiating the template

The error messages will occur at compile time and will be the same if you write a unit test to instantiate the template. As I wrote earlier, I don't really understand the need to ship template source code that has never been instantiated.

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