On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 02:14:57 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Because the decision is not going to be made based on a popularity contest, and many of the folks who have been discussing this have not voted in that poll. Also, there is no clear winner in the poll anyway. AliasTuple is slightly ahead, but remember that _5_ was the top, not 3. So, the ones at the "top" of the list are far from being universally liked.

AliasTuple in particular has serious issues with it from the perspective of teaching people what it is an how to use it, because it has Tuple in its name, and the construct in question is not actually a tuple (in addition to being easily confused with std.typecons.Tuple). This has been shown time and time again with TypeTuple.

On technical merit, AliasSeq is one of the better choices; it was what TypeTuple had been changed to prior to the recent, large discussion on it; and none of the new suggestions are better enough to win any kind of consensus. At this point, for it to be changed, Walter and Andrei need to step in and choose something else. Otherwise, it's just going to stay AliasSeq, and it will be final, because we're not changing it again after 2.068 goes out. But thus far, they haven't changed it and have let it stay as AliasSeq, and the window of time for them to change it is shrinking fast. Regardless, even if the decision were to be made based on the poll, it would be Walter and Andrei making that decision, because it is abundantly clear that the community is unable to come to a consensus on this.

- Jonathan M Davis

Just food for thought, the difference between the rating of AliasTuple and AliasSeq is the same as the difference between AliasSeq and TypeTuple....

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