On Monday, 3 August 2015 at 14:25:21 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
On Sunday, 2 August 2015 at 16:25:18 UTC, Yura wrote:
Dear D coders/developers,

I am just thinking on one project in computational chemistry, and it is sort of difficult for me to pick up the right language this project to be written. The project is going to deal with the generation of the molecular structures and will resemble to some extent some bio-informatic stuff. Personally I code in two languages - Python, and a little bit in C (just started to learn this language).


Did you try PyPy implementation of python? It's claimed to be faster than CPython. If it's still not enough for you, then try D for sure. Write sample program that do calculations on real data, use gdc or ldc to get the optimized code and see if you're happy with results.

Last time I checked there's lots of stuff that you can't use with pypy.

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