On Monday, 13 July 2015 at 07:11:35 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Sunday, 12 July 2015 at 19:02:23 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
I'd consider D a failure if it couldn't fill both of these roles. D is a general purpose systems programming language. It doesn't and shouldn't care about what you are using it for. There is plenty of overlap in what you need for high performance web backends and high performance gamedev.

Here's the deal: there is no such thing as a general purpose (system) language in the empirical sense. We might have been lead to believe that C or C++ were general purpose, but that only happend because there were no visible viable alternatives. C is more and more becoming a kernel/embedded language, C++ is more and more becoming a legacy/niche language. C++ is only a game dev language after you add various extensions (e.g. simd). It is only a number-crunching language after you add some other extensions. So you need a direction in the feature set towards an application area.

When you get new languages that cut down on development time (like Rust and Go) the C/C++ application domain will leak over to those niches based on the desired feature set. But the feature set needs to be complete for that application area (e.g. GC with the right characteristics, inlining/simd, GPU programming etc).

D needs to complete the feature set for some sizeable domain in order to compete in this emerging market of "many languages" (thanks to LLVM).

Not long ago, C++ was the perfect programming language that everybody was running to. Then came ~ Java, ....

What I am saying is people do not know what they want at times. They get up everyday and they have a new idea on what D should be. Follow such comments and you will make some bad decisions. Currently, we are in a world where p. languages are driven by the demands of today.

Who knew that JavaScipt will become the language for the web? But the demand of the past shifted to the web and now the worst p. language rules the web (Sorry if you love JS too much but there is too much bugs). Now we are stuck in it, who knows until when before the world rushes to a new domain.

Now back to D:
The absence of certain tools and frameworks does not mean D is not picking up (not catching interests). The language is still maturing, and I see it maturing like gold. When D grows up (even though it is doing powerful things in its infancy), you and I will appreciate that it did not rush into any domain. With extensions, D can fit in any domain and this obviously takes time.

I am so tired(:>;) of seeing them (rust, Go, Pony, Cat, ..) everywhere, if one thinks rust rust OR JavaScript is the language they are planing to use for your next record-breaking kernel, ..... Because D cannot be them all.

The comparison war a bad chakra ....

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