Walter Bright írta:
The purpose of T[new] was to solve the problems T[] had with passing T[] to a function and then the function resizes the T[]. What happens with the original?

I've tried to follow the T[], T[new], T+slice discussion, but i'm lost,
I don't think if it's a good idea, to extend the language with all kind of decorated version of the same object ( scope (*T)[scope new][1..$] :) )

"It will tell you for instance how to describe something that was about to happen to you in the past before you avoided it by time-jumping forward two days in order to avoid it. The event will be described differently according to whether you are talking about it from the standpoint of your own natural time, from a time in the further future, or a time in the further past and is further complicated by the possibility of conducting conversations whilst you are actually travelling from one time to another with the intention of becoming your own father or mother." Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Just an idea to simplify this whole thing, maybe it's whole wrong, but who knows... :)

Instead of creating new types of arrays we have already two: static and dynamic. A dynamic version can be resized (restructured) any time, the static has a fixed size, thus the dynamic version works as a class and the static version works as a struct for either in,out,ref/etc.

To create slices, slices those references the whole array i'd introduce a new type (as there is something like this): range!(T). A range is actually an inner class of the array implementing an IRange(T) interface with the usual popFront, front, etc. For a general class if one wants to add range, he just have to provide an onRange (onSlice) function.

As the range interface itself provides the opIndex, opAssign, opXAssign etc., they can be implemented as desired and no more opSliceAddAssign and other decorated function's are required. Even more as the range is an inner class of the array (and knows about the array), a finer tune of what_shall_happen_when_my_referrer_array_is_resize policy can be created.

As the range itself can work as an array, range[1] (or maybe even rang[1..2], calling the IRange!(T).onRange() ) it can be used as an array whose structure (length) cannot be altered as desired for T[]

T[] a; // is a dynamic array as before
range(T) s1 = T[1..2]; // the slice from 1..2
range(T) s1 = T.opRange(); // the slice representing the whole range

foo( T[new] a ) is same as foo( T[] )
foo( T[] ) would be replaced by foo( range(T) ) and thus cannot be resized


 foreach( a; array )
translates to something like ->
 foreach( a; a.onRange() )...

foreach( a; array[1..2] )
translates to something like ->
 foreach( a; a.onRange(1,2) )...

foreach( a; array[1..2,3..4] )
translates to something like ->
 foreach( a; a.onRange(1,2,3,4) )...

array[1..2] += 1
translates to something like ->

It'd be also great to create more then one onRange implementation of a class ex: matrix.opRangeRowWise matrix.opRangeColumnWise, but i don't
know how to select the appropriate one in a foreach loop "automatically":
foreach( a; mx.rowWise ) ->
 mx.selectRange(name : string) { mixin( "onRange" ~ name )  }
 foreach( a; ma.selectRange("rowWise")(1,2) )...

As a conclusion: please don't create any more array type, we have just enough. We have already all the features in the language to express both the desired and explained (above) behaviour. Only the syntax should be cleared out. Using the same notation multiple times with small decorations is not a good idea, and makes things confusing.


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